
The concepts of stratified order-preserving operators and stratified continuity are introduced in -fuzzy topological spaces. Their basic properties are discussed, and their characteristic properties are observed. The relationship between induced stratified order-preserving topological spaces and general order-preserving operator topological spaces is studied. Finally, stratified connectedness is introduced, and its properties are studied systematically.

1. Introduction

Since the concept of -fuzzy order-preserving operator was introduced by Professor Chen in 2002 (see [1]), a lot of papers have being devoted to it (see [25]). In general topology, similar researches were established (see [5]). However, it has not yet been found in stratified space. As we know, it is quite different between -fuzzy stratified topological spaces and -fuzzy topological spaces. Thus, it is important and meaningful to introduce the concept.

2. Preliminaries

In this paper, a lattice is called a completely distributive lattice with an order-reserving involution′, if the following conditions hold.(1) is a completely lattice. That is, the largest element , and smallest elements . Besides, , , .(2)Distributive law holds in . That is, , , , then (3)There is a mapping satisfies: , then , and , implies (see [6]).

In this paper, will always denote nonempty crisp sets, A mapping is called an -fuzzy set. is the set of all -fuzzy sets on . An element is called an irreducible element in , if implies or , where . The set of all nonzero irreducible elements in will be denoted by (see [6]). If , , then is called a molecule in . The set of all molecules in is denoted by (see [7]). If , , take . If , the complement of , denoted by , and (see [8]).

The following are the concepts of -fuzzy order-preserving operator in -fuzzy topological space and order-preserving operator in general topological space.

Let be an nonempty set. An operator is called an -fuzzy order preserving operator in , if it satisfies: (1) , (2) and implies . A set is called an -set, if . The set of all -sets in is denoted by . And is called an order-preserving operator space (briefly, -). A molecule , is called an -remote neighborhood of , if . The set of all -remote neighborhood of is denoted by . Let , is called an -adherent point of , if , . The union of all -adherent points of is called the -closure of , denoted by . A set is called -closed, if . The set of all -closed sets in is denoted by . is finite union and infinite intersection preserving (see [1]).

Let be an nonempty set, be the family of all subsets of . An operator is called an order preserving operator in , if it satisfies: (1) , (2) implies . A set is called an -set, if . The set of all -sets in is denoted by . And is called an order-preserving operator space on (briefly, ). Let , is called an -remote neighborhood of , if there is , such that . The set of all -remote neighborhood of is denoted by . Let , is called an -adherent point of , if , . The union of all -adherent points of is called the -closure of , denoted by . An set is called -closed, if . The set of all -closed sets in is denoted by . is finite union and infinite intersection preserving (see [5]).

Let be an , be an fuzzy lattice, . A fuzzy set is called a lower continuous function, if . Then, the set of all the lower continuous functions, denoted by consists an -fuzzy topology in . The space is called the induced - by (see [5]).

Considering the above definitions, if we say there is an - or an , we mean there is an order-preserving operator on , or on . The two spaces are generated by them, respectively.

Let and be two -fuzzy topological spaces, be induced by simple mapping . If and its reverse mapping satisfies:(1), ;(2), .

Then is called an -fuzzy mapping (see [6]).

An -fuzzy mapping is called homomorphism, if it satisfies:(1) is union preserving. That is, for , ;(2) is reserving involution preserving. That is, for , (see [6]).

3. -Closed Set

Definition 1. Let be an -, . An operator is defined by: ,
Since the operator is related to , such kind of operator is generally called stratified order-preserving operator. Clearly, if is a closure operator, then is (see [9]).

Theorem 2. Let be an -, . , then the following statements hold:(1) implies ;(2);(3);(4).

Proof. (1), (2) are easy.
(3) by (1), we have . On the other hand,
(4) , we have On the other hand, as , then by Definition 1, we have . Hence, (4) holds.

Definition 3. Let be an -, . A set is called -closed, if . The set of all -closed sets in is denoted by . is called -order-preserving operator space, (briefly, -).
By Definition 3, if is the closure operator, then an -closed set is a -closed set (see [9]).

Theorem 4. Let be an -, . Then(1);(2)If , then ;(3)If , then .

Proof. (1) As , it is easy to check . Thus, .
(2) By Theorem 2, if . We have . Then Hence, (2) holds.
(3) If , so

Remark 5. The theorem shows that is finite union and infinite intersection preserving.

Corollary 6. Let be an -, . If there is , such that . Then consists an -fuzzy co-topology on .

Proof. By Theorem 4, we only need to prove . In fact, as there is , such that . Then Hence, .

Remark 7. In fact, the smallest fuzzy set is -closed. That is, . Otherwise, , . It means is an -adherent point of . However, for all , . This is a contradiction with the hypothesis that is an -adherent point of .
Taking the fact above, we can conclude that given an -fopos , is always an -fuzzy co-topology.

Corollary 8. Let be an -. is an -fuzzy co-topology on . Then is a co-topology on . So is an on . Moreover, one has , .

Proof. We only prove . By Theorem 2 (1), . Again, by Theorem 2 (4), we have . So .
Conversely, if there is , but . Since, there is , such that and . So we have . This is a contradiction, because . Therefore, .

Lemma 9. Let be an , be an - induced by . . Then if and only if .

Proof. For any . If , then . If , then . Thus, by the definition of lower continuous function, we have if and only if .

Theorem 10. Let be an , be an - induced by . , . Then if and only if .

Proof. For any , by Lemma 9, we have iff . Let . Then So .
Conversely, if , by Lemma 9, we have . And , so Hence, . This implies .

Theorem 11. Let be an , is an - induced by . Then iff , .

Proof. By Theorem 10, we have

Definition 12. Let , be -, -, respectively. An -fuzzy homomorphism is called -continuous, if , then .

Theorem 13. Let , be -, -, respectively. is an -fuzzy mapping. Then the following statements are equivalent.(1) is -continuous;(2), ;(3), .

Proof. (1)(2) , so , then . Therefore, .
On the other hand, by Theorem 2, we get that . And by hypothesis, is -continuous, then, . Hence, . Therefore, we have
(2)(3) , so . By (2), we get . So, And obviously, . Thus, (2) holds.
(3)(1). . By (3), we have So, .
On the other hand, obviously, . Therefore, . This shows that .

4. -Connectedness

Definition 14. Let be an -, . are called -separated, if . Otherwise, are called -connected.
Clearly, if is the closure operator in , then -connected is -connected [8].

Definition 15. Let be an -, . is called an -connected set, if there not exist -separated sets , such that, , and . Specially, if is -connected, then, is called -connected.

Theorem 16. Let be an -, . Then is not -connected if and only if there are , such that, , and , .

Proof. Necessity. Let be not -connected. That is, is not -connected. By Definition 15, there are two -separated sets , such that, , and .
Since, are -separated, we have
Therefore, . Hence, the necessity holds.
Sufficiency. Take satisfies the conditions stated in the theorem. So . As , and , we have . Similarly, . Hence, are -separated. By Definition 15, we have is not -connected.

Theorem 17. Let is an -, . be -connected, then implies is -connected.

Proof. Since is -connected. is connected in . By Theorem 20 in reference [10] (page 54) and Corollary 8, is connected. So is connected. Therefore, is -connected.

Theorem 18. Let be an -. , is -connected, and there is , such that for any , and are -connected. Then is -connected.

Proof. Since is -connected, is connected in . and are collected for each . Then by Theorem 21 in reference [10] (page 54) and Corollary 8, is connected. Therefore, is -connected.

Theorem 19. Let be an , and be the induced -. Then is -connected if and only if is connected.

Proof. Necessity. Let be -connected. Suppose that is not connected, then there are nonempty , such that , and . By Theorem 10, , . So This means are -separated sets, and . A contradiction.
Sufficiency. Suppose is not -connected. Then There are -separated sets , such that , and . Since , by Theorem 10, we have . Thus, . Therefore, Similarly, we get that . This means is not connected. A contradiction.

Theorem 20. Let be two -s, be -continuous, be -connected. Then is -connected.

Proof. Let , . Since . Take we have Besides, by we get
Denote , . Then , and
Since is -connected, then , or . Take the former, for example, . Thus, Thus,

Theorem 21. Let be an -, , for all, . Then is -connected if and only if for all , for all , there are finite molecular , such that .

Proof. Necessity. Suppose the result does not holds. That is, there is , . And there is a mapping such that for any finite , does not holds.
For the convenient sake, , and are called joined, if there are finite , such that , denoted by . Otherwise, and are called disjoined, denoted by . Let and . Obviously, , so . and , so . Hence, . Since , , or . So . Next, let us prove are not -connected.
Suppose that , then there is . By , we have . So there is , such that , and , hence . This means that , and .
On the other hand, by , then , so there is , such that . Therefore, . And by , we have . This means and . This is a contradiction with . Therefore . Similarly, we get that .
Sufficiency. Suppose is not -connected. Then there are , such that are -separated, and , . Define a mapping Then , we have , .
Take . Then for any finite , , or . Thus, , or , . However, since , there is , such that . Therefore, . A contradiction.


The work is supported by Youth Science Foundation of Hunan University of Science and Engineering (10XKYTB038).