Research Article

Designing of 2-Stage CPU Scheduler Using Vague Logic

Algorithm 1

  1. For process := loop
    (i) Assign := burst time;
       := arrival time;
       := static Priority;
    (ii) Compute the dynamic priority using VIS.
    End loop
  2. For process := loop
   RQ:= Sort the processes in decreasing order of
 End loop
  3. For process := loop
    (i) Schedule and dispatch process    RQ with CPU.
    (ii) Calculate waiting time, turnaround time and normalized turnaround time for process .
    (iii) After completion of each process , check the RQ. If any new process arrives in the
     ready queue then go to Step .
  End loop
  4. Calculate average waiting time (Ws), average turnaround time (Ts) and average
 normalized turnaround time (NTs) using (8), (10) and (11) respectively.