Research Article

Fuzzy Aspect Based Opinion Classification System for Mining Tourist Reviews

Algorithm 1

Aspects extraction.
Input:  Collection of sentences
Output:  Aspects assigned to sentences
() initialize aspects
() for all sentences do
()   stanford_tagger = SPOS() / Applying Stanford Part-Of-Speech Tagger on each sentence /
()   if NN in stanford_tagger then
()    aspects NN
()   end if
() end for
() initialize aspects_groups
() for all aspects do
() WordNet_sets = WNSS() / Applying WordNet synonym set on each aspect /
()   if TRUE in WordNet_sets then
()    aspects_groups
()   end if
() end for
() frequent_aspects = frequency_measure(aspects, group_aspets, 10) / Filtering the frequent aspects /
() fuzzy_rules = FURIA(sentences, frequent_aspects) / Building Fuzzy rules /
() initialize aspect_assigned_sentences
() for all sentences do
()    aspect_identification = FURIA() / Applying Fuzzy rules on each sentence /
()   if TRUE in aspect_identification then
()    aspect_assigned_sentences aspect_identification
()   end if
() end for
() return aspect_assigned_sentences