Research Article

A s n 1 2 and A s n 2 7 8 : Critical Residues for In Vitro Biological Activity of Reteplase

Figure 2

(a) Restriction analysis of the PCR product of pPIC9K-rPA mutated constructs. M: lambda EcoR1/HindIII digest, lane 1: PCR product from N12P clone+ Sma1; lane 2: N278S clone+ XbaI; lane 3: N12P, N278S +Xba1/Sma1. (b) Integration PCR of Pichia recombinants carrying native rPA gene. M: lambda EcoR1/HindIII digest; lanes 1–4 geneticin resistant clones of Pichia carrying ppIC9K-reteplase gene and its mutants integrated into its genome. Lane 1: N12P clone; lane 2: N278S; lane 3; N12P, N278S; lane 4: WT reteplase.