Research Article

Vitamin D and Nonskeletal Complications among Egyptian Sickle Cell Disease Patients

Table 5

Association between VDD, clinical course, and complications of SCD.

VariableNormal Group (n=32)Deficient Group (n=48)P-value

Blood transfusion: n (%) (n=69)30 (43.4)39 (56.6)0.475

Age at blood transfusion (years)2.3 ± 1.91.6 ±1.00.351

Frequency of blood transfusion/ Last year3.6 ± 2.85.4 ± 3.50.021

Positive VOC/ Last year: n (%) (n=68)24 (35.2)44 (64.8)0.032

Degree of VOC: n (%)0.732
 Mild (n=41)13 (31.7)28 (68.3)
 Moderate (n= 21)10 (47.6)11 (52.4)
 Severe (n= 6)1 (16.6)5 (83.4)

Hospital admission/ Last year: n (%) (n=44)14 (31.8)30 (68.2)0.012

Bone fracture: n (%) (n=8)1 (12.5)7 (87.5)0.034

Recurrent infection: n (%) (n= 36)7 (19.5)29 (80.5)0.036

Viral hepatitis (B&C): n (%) (n=12)5 (41.6)7 (58.4)0.219

Pulmonary hypertension: n (%)(n=11)3 (27.3)8 (72.7)0.068

Diabetes Mellitus: n (%) (n=4)2 (50)2 (50)0.721

Abnormal TCD: n (%) (n= 2)1 (50)1 (50)0.834

Gall Bladder stones: n ( %) (n= 3)1 (33.3)2 (66.7)0.059

n = number; SD = standard deviation; VOC = vasoocclusive crisis; TCD= transcranial Doppler. Bold values indicate statistical significance.