Research Article

Effect of Imatinib on Bone Marrow Morphology and Angiogenesis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Table 6

Comparison of bone marrow morphological changes between the present study and previous studies.

Morphological parametersBH Srinivas et al.Present study

Initial8 months of follow-upInitialFollow-up

Increased cellularity100%20.4%100%13.8%

M:E ratio > 4:1100%35.1%100%27.6%

Blast > 517%10.6%27.6%3.4%

Basophil >161%25.5%93.1%41.3%

Abnormal megakaryocytes100%27.5%100%24.1%

MMR score
   ≤ 166.34%86.20%

M:E ratio: myeloid: erythroid ratio and MMR: marrow morphological response.