Research Article

A Phase II Trial of Melphalan Based Reduced-Intensity Conditioning for Transplantation of T-Replete HLA-Haploidentical Peripheral Blood Stem Cells with Posttransplant Cyclophosphamide in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies

Table 1

Patients’ characteristics (N = 25).

N = 25

Age, median (range)57 (35, 68)
Male sex11 (44%)
 AML11 (44%)
 ALL4 (16%)
 MDS/MPS6 (24%)
 NHL/CLL3 (12%)
 PCD1 (4%)
Patient CMV
 Positive18 (72%)
 Negative7 (28%)
ABO compatibility
 Compatible16 (64%)
 Incompatible minor2 (8%)
 Incompatible minor and major1 (4%)
 Incompatible major6 (24%)
 Low1 (4%)
 Intermediate13 (76%)
 High/very high11 (16%)
 1–311 (44%)
 4–814 (56%)
 Female donor male recipient4 (16%)
Year of transplantation
 20153 (12%)
 20168 (32%)
 20176 (24%)
 20188 (32%)
Number of survivors14
Survivor follow-up (month), median (range)28.3 (8.7, 43.9)