Research Article

Development and Preliminary Investigation of a Semiautonomous Socially Assistive Robot (SAR) Designed to Elicit Communication, Motor Skills, Emotion, and Visual Regard (Engagement) from Young Children with Complex Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Comparative Trial

Table 3

Definitions of coded behaviors and actions for child and SAR.

Behaviors and ActionsDefinitionBehaviors Incorporated From Every Move Counts

Visual RegardChild looks at the toy/SARVisual Contact (with Object); Visually Tracks
Vocalization(+)Child makes any vocalization that cannot be interpreted as an emotion (i.e., crying, laughing)Vocalizes; Verbalizes
Vocalization(-)Child is able to verbalize and give a “Negative” vocalization to the toy/SAR (i.e., “No,” “Stop”)
ReachChild reaches towards the toy/SARUnilateral Reach with Contact;  
Bilateral Reach with Contact;   
Unilateral Reach; Bilateral Reach
PushChild pushes the toy/SAR away
GraspChild grasps towards the toy/SAR or physically grasps the objectHand Opening; Unilateral Grasp;  
Bilateral Grasp
Emotion(+)Child elicits a Positive Emotion to the toy/SAR, not a clinician, parent, or other individual in the roomLaugh; Smile
Emotion(-)Child elicits a Negative Emotion to the toy/SAR, not a clinician, parent, or other individual in the roomCry; Frown

NoiseToy/SAR makes any noise
Movement (+)Toy exhibits any movement/SAR moves towards the child
Movement (-)SAR moves away from the child
SpinSAR makes a complete 360° spin