Research Article

Examining Serendipitous Encounters and Self-Determination in Twitter-Enabled Innovation

Table 2

Items, standardized CFA loadings, means, and standard deviations.

Item wordingLoadingMeanSd

Twitter-enabled innovation (TI)
 TI1 using Twitter helps me to identify innovative ways of doing my job0.8354.8901.408
 TI2 using Twitter helps me to come up with new ideas related to my job0.7985.0701.327
 TI3 using Twitter helps me to try out innovative ideas in my job0.7944.9101.371
Information serendipity encounter (IS)
 IS1 when using Twitter, I have made an accidental fortunate discovery of content that was useful for me0.7995.1901.340
 IS2 when using Twitter, I have made an unexpected fortunate discovery of content that was useful for me0.7715.1601.372
 IS3 when using Twitter, I have encountered useful information, ideas, or resources that I was not looking for0.7115.4101.202
Social serendipity encounter (SS)
 SO1 when using Twitter, I have made an accidental fortunate discovery of a contact that was useful for me0.8645.0801.366
 SO2 when using Twitter, I have made an unexpected fortunate discovery of a contact that was useful for me0.8335.0401.376
 SO3 when using Twitter, I have encountered useful contacts that I was not looking for0.7585.1601.318
Twitter use autonomy (TUA)
 TUA1 I feel that my choices (e.g., who I decide to follow) are based on my true interests and values on Twitter0.6695.1701.258
 TUA2 I feel free to do things my own way on Twitter0.6145.1901.276
 TUA3 I feel that my choices (e.g., who I decide to follow) express my “true self” on Twitter0.7654.7101.381
Twitter use competence (TUC)
 TUC1 I feel that I am successfully completing difficult tasks and projects on Twitter0.7924.3201.499
 TUC2 I feel that I am taking on and mastering hard challenges on Twitter0.7434.0201.570
 TUC3 I feel very capable in what I do on Twitter0.5745.4001.166
Twitter use relatedness (TUR)
 TUR1 I feel a sense of contact with people who care for me and whom I care for on Twitter0.8604.4101.509
 TUR2 I feel close and connected with other people who are important to me on Twitter0.7974.6001.539
 TUR3 I feel a strong sense of intimacy with the people I spend time with on Twitter0.7943.8201.669
Professional use of Twitter (PRO)
 PRO1 I use Twitter to support my work activities0.8483.8601.000
 PRO2 I use Twitter in my work0.7633.7701.132
 PRO3 I use Twitter to support professional networking0.6673.6601.074
