Research Article

Status and New Data of the Geochemical Determination of the pp-Neutrino Flux by LOREX

Figure 5

Schottky spectra versus the down-scaled revolution frequencies of stored and cooled nuclei, circulating in the experimental storage ring. Each of the lines shows a different nuclear species. Since for cooled ions a one-to-one correspondence exists between their revolution frequency and their mass-to-charge ratio, those spectra provide a highly precise mass spectroscopy. The inset shows the Schottky signals of two Sm62+ ions, one of them in the nuclear ground state (at the higher frequency), the other one in a metastable state at an excitation energy of 754 keV. This demonstrates convincingly the capability of the ESR to detect—with ultimate sensitivity—one single stored and cooled highly-charged ion together with its accurate mass determination (Figure by courtesy of Litvinov et al. [23]).