Research Article

Constraints on the NMSSM from the Oblique Parameters

Figure 2

(a): Oblique parameters and in the NMSSM in the constrained case with central parameters ,  GeV,  GeV,  GeV, , and (second row in Table 1) with successive variations of the parameters  GeV, 300 GeV,…,500 GeV,  GeV, 500 GeV,…,650 GeV,  GeV,  −700 GeV,…,−100 GeV, as indicated in the figure. (b): Same as (a) but with central parameters ,  GeV,  GeV,  GeV,  GeV, , and with successive variations of the parameters ,  GeV,  100 GeV,…,800 GeV,  GeV,  225 GeV,…,400 GeV.