Research Article

The DarkSide Multiton Detector for the Direct Dark Matter Search

Table 1

A summary of the expected nuclear and electron recoil backgrounds depositing 55–240  in an 18-ton-year exposure of DarkSide-G2. We assume 39Ar at our recently measured limit [25]. For PMTs, we use the expected background in the R11065-G2s based on measurements reported by Hamamatsu and our ongoing R&D. For the cryostat, we use detailed measurements of the steel used for the DarkSide-50 cryostat. After cuts include fiducial, energy, and multihit cuts.

Detector elementElectron recoil BG after PSD and cutsRadiogenic neutron BG after cuts

39Ar (<6.5 mBq/kg)<0.1
R11065-G2 PMTs<0.010.05
Cryostat and insulation<0.010.05
