
Using the idea of the new sort of fuzzy subnear-ring of a near-ring, fuzzy subgroups, and their generalizations defined by various researchers, we try to introduce the notion of ()-fuzzy ideals of -groups. These fuzzy ideals are characterized by their level ideals, and some other related properties are investigated.

1. Introduction and Basic Definitions

The concept of a fuzzy set was introduced by Zadeh [1] in 1965, utilizing what Rosenfeld [2] defined as fuzzy subgroups. This was studied further in detail by different researchers in various algebraic systems. The concept of a fuzzy ideal of a ring was introduced by Liu [3]. The notion of fuzzy subnear-ring and fuzzy ideals was introduced by Abou-Zaid [4]. Then in many papers, fuzzy ideals of near-rings were discussed for example, see [511]. In [12], the idea of fuzzy point and its belongingness to and quasi coincidence with a fuzzy set were used to define -fuzzy subgroup, where , take one of the values from , . A fuzzy subgroup in the sense of Rosenfeld is in fact an -fuzzy subgroup. Thus, the concept of -fuzzy subgroup was introduced and discussed thoroughly in [7]. Bhakat and Das [13] introduced the concept of -fuzzy subrings and ideals of a ring. Davvaz [14, 15], Narayanan and Manikantan [16], and Zhan and Davvaz [17] studied a new sort of fuzzy subnear-ring (ideal and prime ideal) called -fuzzy subnear-ring (ideal and prime ideal) and gave characterizations in terms of the level ideals. In [18, 19], the idea of fuzzy ideals of -groups was defined, and various properties such as fundamental theorem of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy congruence were studied, respectively. In the present paper, we extend the idea of -fuzzy ideals of near-rings to the case of -groups and introduce the idea of fuzzy cosets with some results.

We first recall some basic concepts for the sake of completeness.

By a near-ring we mean a nonempty set with two binary operations “+” and “” satisfying the following axioms:(i) is a group,(ii) is a semigroup, (iii) for all .It is in fact a right near-ring because it satisfies the right distributive law. We will use the word “near-ring” to mean “right near-ring.” is said to be zero symmetric if for all . We denote by .

Note that the missing left distributive law, , has to do with linearity if is considered as a function.

Example 1. Let be a group, and let be the set of all mappings from into . We define + and on by Then, is a near-ring.

Just in the same way as -modules or vector spaces are used in ring theory, -groups are used in near-ring theory.

By an -group we mean a nonempty set together with a map written as satisfying the following conditions:(i) is a group (not necessarily abelian), (ii), (iii) for all , .

Example 2. Let be a subnear-ring of . Then, is an -group via function application as operation.

Example 3. The additive group of a near-ring is an -group via the near-ring multiplication.

An ideal of -group is an additive normal subgroup of such that and for all , , . A mapping between two -groups and is called an -homomorphism if and for all , .

Throughout this study, we use to denote a zero-symmetric near-ring and to denote an -group.

For any fuzzy subset of , denotes the image of . For any subset of , denotes the characteristic function of .

Definition 4 (see [2]). A fuzzy subset of a group is called a fuzzy subgroup of if it satisfies the following conditions: (i), (ii), for all .

Definition 5. For a fuzzy subset of , , the subset is called a level subset of determined by and .

The set is called the support of and is denoted by . A fuzzy subset of of the form is said to be a fuzzy point denoted by . Here is called the support point, and is called its value. A fuzzy point is said to belong to (resp., quasi coincident with) a fuzzy set written as (resp., ) if (resp., ). If or , then we write . The symbols , mean that , do not hold, respectively.

Definition 6 (see [7, 12]). A fuzzy subset of a group is said to be an -fuzzy subgroup of if for all and , (i), (ii).

Remark 7 (see [7]). The conditions (i) and (ii) of Definition 6 are respectively equivalent to(i), (ii), for all .

Remark 8. For any -fuzzy subgroup of such that for some , then and if , then for all . So, is just the usual fuzzy subgroup in the sense of Rosenfeld.

Remark 9. It is noted that if is a fuzzy subgroup then it is an -fuzzy subgroup of . However the converse may not be true.

Here onwards we assume that is an -fuzzy subgroup in the nontrivial sense for which case we have .

Definition 10 (see [7]). An -fuzzy subgroup of a group is said to be -fuzzy normal subgroup if for any and ,

Remark 11 (see [7]). The condition of -fuzzy normal subgroup is given in the equivalent forms as(i),(ii),(iii), for all .
Here denotes the commutator of , in .

In the light of this fact, the condition of Definition 10 can be replaced by any one of the above conditions in Remark 8.

Definition 12 (see [18]). Let be a fuzzy subset of an -group . It is called a fuzzy -subgroup of if it satisfies the following conditions: (i), (ii), for all , .

Remark 13. If is a unitary -group, the above conditions are equivalent to conditions and for all , .

Definition 14 (see [18, 19]). A nonempty fuzzy subset of an -group is called a fuzzy ideal if it satisfies the following conditions:(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), for all , .

Definition 15 (see [14]). A fuzzy set of a near-ring is called an -fuzzy subnear-ring of if for all , and (i) (a) , (b) ,(ii). is called an -fuzzy ideal of if it is -fuzzy subnear-ring of and(iii), (iv), (v),for all .

2. Generalized Fuzzy Ideals

In this section, we give the definition of -fuzzy subgroup and ideal of an -group based on Definitions 14 and 15.

Definition 16. A fuzzy subset of an -group is said to be an -fuzzy subgroup of if , , ,(i), (ii), (iii), .

Lemma 17. Let be a fuzzy subset of and . Then,(i), (ii), for all , (iii), for all , .

Proof. (i) Let . Consider the case (a): .
Assume that . Choose such that which implies that , but [as and ]. Consider the case (b): . Assume that . Choose such that so that but .
Conversely, let . Then, . Thus if either or and if both and which means .
(ii) Let , . Suppose . Choose such that . Then, but which contradicts the hypothesis. So, for all .
Conversely, let . Then, . But we have or according as or .
(iii) Let and . Suppose . Choose such that . Then, that is, , but as and .
Conversely let , ; then . But or according as or or .

Theorem 18. Let be a fuzzy subset of . Then, is an -fuzzy subgroup of if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: (i), (ii), (iii), for all , .

Proof. It follows from the previous lemma.

Definition 19. A fuzzy subset of an -group is said to be -fuzzy ideal of if it is an -fuzzy subgroup and satisfies the following conditions:(i), (ii), for any , .

Lemma 20. Let be a fuzzy subset of and . Then,(i), (ii).

Proof. (i) Assume that . Choose such that . But or according as or . So, or or . But or , respectively, which contradicts the hypothesis.
Conversely, assume that , then . For any , we have or according as or or . So, .
(ii) Assume that or for some , . According as or . Choose such that . In either case, and . So, , a contradiction.
Conversely, assume that for all , . Let . Then, . So, or according as or . So, .

Theorem 21. Let be an fuzzy subgroup of . Then, is an -fuzzy ideal of if and only if (i), for all , (ii), for all , .

Proof. It is immediate from Lemma 20.

By definition, a fuzzy ideal of is an -fuzzy ideal of . But the converse is not true in general as shown by the following example.

Example 22. Consider (written additively) to be a -group. Define a fuzzy subset of as , , which is not fuzzy ideal as ; it contradicts the condition (iv) of Definition 14. As , , and or or , thus, the notion of -fuzzy ideal is a successful generalization of fuzzy ideals of as introduced in [18].

Theorem 23. Let be any family of -fuzzy ideals of . Then, is an -fuzzy ideal of .

Proof. It is straightforward.

Theorem 24. A nonempty subset of is an ideal of if and only if is an -fuzzy ideal of .

Proof. If is an ideal of , it is clear from [18, Proposition 2.11] that is fuzzy ideal of . Since every fuzzy ideal is -fuzzy ideal, is -fuzzy ideal of .
Conversely, let be an -fuzzy ideal of . Let , . So, . Let , , , , , , , . Then, is an ideal of .

Theorem 25. A fuzzy subset of is an -fuzzy (subgroup) ideal of if and only if the level subset is a (subgroup) ideal for .

Proof. We prove the result for -fuzzy ideal . Let be an -fuzzy ideal of . Let , , . (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), , . Hence, is an ideal of . Again, let be an ideal of for all . If possible, let there exist such that . Let be such that , and , a contradiction. So, , for all . For , let . If possible let be such that . This implies , but , a contradiction. Similarly, we can prove that , , , .

Remark 26. For , may be an -fuzzy ideal of , but may not be an ideal of . Let in Example 22. Then, . is not an ideal of as it is not a normal subgroup of .

We are looking for a corresponding result when is an ideal of for all .

Theorem 27. Let be a fuzzy subset of an -group . Then, is an ideal of for all if and only if satisfies the following conditions: (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), for all , .

Proof. Suppose that is an ideal of for all . In order to prove (i), suppose that for some , . Let . So, and . Since is an ideal, . So, , a contradiction. In order to prove (ii), suppose that , and (say). Then, , a contradiction. Similarly, we can prove (iii) and (iv).
Conversely, suppose that conditions (i) to (iv) hold. We show that is an ideal of for all . Let . Then, . So, . Let , . Then, so . For , , . Also, if , , , . Hence, . Then, is an ideal of .

A definition for the previous kind of fuzzy subset was given for the case of near-rings in [17]. Now, we give the definition for -groups.

Definition 28. A fuzzy subset of is called an -fuzzy subgroup of if for all and for all , ,(i) (a) implies or , (b) implies ,(ii) implies .Moreover, is called an -fuzzy ideal of if is -fuzzy subgroup of and(iii) implies , (iv) implies .

Theorem 29. A fuzzy subset of is an -fuzzy ideal of if and only if (1), ,(2),(3),(4).

Proof. . Let be such that . Let ; then , . So we must have or . But and . Here or then and or and then , a contradiction.
Conversely, let . Then, . If , then . Hence, either or which implies or . Thus, or .
Again if , then by Suppose that or then or . It follows that either or , and thus or .
: Suppose that there exists such that . If then and so that . But then we must have either or . Also we have . So, which means that , a contradiction.
Conversely, suppose that then . If , then which gives . Again if by we have . Putting , then so that which means that . Similarly, we can prove the remaining parts.

Theorem 30. A fuzzy subset of is an -fuzzy ideal if and only if is an ideal of for all .

3. Fuzzy Cosets and Isomorphism Theorem

In this section, we first study the properties of -fuzzy ideals under a homomorphism. Then, we introduce the fuzzy cosets and prove the fundamental isomorphism theorem on -groups with respect to the structure induced by these fuzzy cosets.

Theorem 31. Let and be two -groups, and let be an -homomorphism. If is surjective and is an -fuzzy ideal of , then so is . If is a -fuzzy ideal of , then is a fuzzy ideal of .

Proof. We assume that is an -fuzzy ideal of . For any ; it follows that Also, Again, Therefore, is an -fuzzy ideal of . Similarly, we can show that is an -fuzzy ideal of .

Definition 32. Let be -fuzzy subgroup of . For any , let be defined by for all . This fuzzy subset is called the -fuzzy left coset of determined by and .

Remark 33. Let be an -fuzzy subgroup of . Then, is an -fuzzy normal if and only if for all . If is an -fuzzy ideal, we simply denote fuzzy coset by .

Lemma 34. Let be an -fuzzy ideal of . Then, if an only if .

Proof. Assume that and . which implies that . Similarly, we can verify that . Conversely we assume that . Then, .

Proposition 35. Every fuzzy coset is constant on every coset of .

Proof. Let . Now, we have . Also . Thus for all .

Theorem 36. For any -fuzzy ideal of , the set of all fuzzy cosets of in is an -group under the addition and scalar multiplication defined by , for all , . The function defined by for all is -fuzzy ideal of .

Proof. First, we show that the compositions are well defined. Let , such that and . Then, , . Now, we have which implies that . So, by Lemma 34, we have . Again . Similarly, we show that . Thus, for for all . Hence the compositions are well defined. It is now easy to verify that is an -group with null element and negative element . Next, we check that is -fuzzy ideal of . Let . We have(i), (ii), (iii), (iv).Hence, the proof is completed.

Lemma 37. Let , . Then, .

Proof. Let . Then, for all , . Also, for , . So, . As we have seen, if then . Conversely, if , for any , . Thus, , which means that is an ideal of .

Theorem 38. If is an -fuzzy ideal of , then the map given by is an -homomorphism with kernel and so is isomorphic to .

Proof. It is clear that is an onto -homomorphism from to with kernel .

Corollary 39. Let be an -fuzzy ideal of , and let be an -fuzzy ideal of . Then, defined by is an -fuzzy ideal of containing .