Research Article

Morphable 3D-Mosaics: A Hybrid Framework for Photorealistic Walkthroughs of Large Natural Environments

Figure 5

On the top row, we show again the two images k, k+1 from Figure 4 along with computed optical flow vectors (blue segments) for a sparse set of points (a few epipolar lines are also shown in k+1). In both of these images, the yellow square around a point is proportional to the point's estimated scale factor (10 scales S={1,0.91,,0.11} have been used). On the bottom row, we show the estimated scale factors for all the points in region Ψ, as well as the corresponding optical flow magnitudes at these points. Regarding optical flow, two results are shown: when using 10 possible scales S={1,0.91,,0.11}, as well as when using just one scale S={1}. As expected, in the latter case, the estimated flow is quite noisy, since the algorithm fails to produce exact optical flow for points that actually undergo a large change of scale. We note that darker pixels (in a grayscale image) correspond to smaller values.