Research Article

Open Profiling of Quality: A Mixed Method Approach to Understanding Multimodal Quality Perception

Table 2

Mixed method designs according to Creswell and Plano Clark [50].

Mixed method designDesign patternPurpose

Triangulation designIndependent collection of QUAN and QUAL data. Interpretation based on both data sets.Comparison of QUAN and QUAL results for a broad interpretation of the results

Embedded designOne data set is used in a supplemental role in studies primarily based on the other data set.Additional qualitative expressions about quantitative results (e.g., supporting decisions about further studies or tasks)

Explanatory designTwo-step design. First collection of QUAN, then QUAL.QUAL data may be needed to explain unexpected results or to detect errors in the QUAN research design.

Exploratory designTwo-step design. First collection of QUAL, then QUAN.QUAL data may be needed to explain unexpected results or to detect errors in the QUAN research design.