Clinical Study

Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator to Treat Deep Infrabony Defects: A New Flapless Minimally Invasive Approach

Table 2

Clinical variables before and after CUSA treatment.

Treated defects () value
Baseline post-FMUD (mean ± SD)6-month reevaluation after CUSA treatment (mean ± SD)

PPD (mm)8.6 ± 1.53.9 ± 1.4<0.01
CAL (mm)11.1 ± 3.06.8 ± 1.9<0.01
REC (mm)2.6 ± 2.12.8 ± 1.6=0.41

FMUD, full-mouth ultrasonic debridement; CAL, clinical attachment loss; REC, recessions; PPD, probing pocket depth. The last column shows the value of the statistical analysis comparing baseline and reevaluation data (statistically significant: ).