Research Article

Examining the Impact of Nitrous Acid Chemistry on Ozone and PM over the Pearl River Delta Region

Table 1

Design of CMAQ simulation case to evaluate the HONO chemistry.

Case IDDescriptionPurpose

CB05Base case runRelative importance of four different formation pathways to simulated HONO
CB05+EMCB05+HONO emission
CB05+EM+HTCB05+EM+HONO heterogeneous reaction ( , )
CB05+EM+HT+SPCB05+EM+HT+HONO surface photolysis ( , )

HONO_S/VCB05+EM+HT+SP with in building surface area estimation and soil surface 0.2Sensitivity study of the uncertainties for selected parameters in HONO formation mechanism
HONO_NOx CB05+EM+HT+SP with emission partition NO/NO2/HONO 85%/13.8%/1.2%
HONO_DVCB05+EM+HT+SP with deposition velocity of HONO has taken the value as NO2

HONO_GCB05+EM+SP+HONO heterogeneous reaction on aerosol and ground surfaces follow Aumont et al. [17]Examine the impacts of other HONO parameterizations published in peer-reviewed articles
HONO_SOACB05+HONO heterogeneous reaction with semivolatile organic follows Li et al. [18]

0.75 VOCCB05 with the 25% VOC emission reduction over PRD regionEvaluation the possible effect on ozone control strategy due to consideration of additional HONO formation pathway
0.75 VOC w/HONOCB05+EM+HT+SP with the 25% VOC emission reduction over PRD region