Research Article

Examination of the Quantitative Relationship between Vegetation Canopy Height and LAI

Table 2

Sites statistical distribution in IGBP land cover classification system.

CodeIGBP classification Obs.Merge sorting

1Evergreen needleleaf forest16NF
2Evergreen broadleaf forest2BF
3Deciduous needleleaf forest19NF
4Deciduous broadleaf forest21BF
5Mixed forest
6Closed shrublands1MF
7Open shrublands1MF
8Woody savannas
11Permanent wetlands
14Cropland/natural vegetation mosaic
16Barren or sparsely vegetated

Note. The table excluded nonvegetation surface types which are urban and built-up (13), snow and ice (15), and water bodies (17). So “—” means that such land cover types do not exist.