Research Article

Assessing Urban Landscape Variables’ Contributions to Microclimates

Table 4

Random Forest fit results.

DateTest set MSE °C% variability explainedVariable importance (from most important to least important)

22 April 2013, morning0.1370.57Basis, elevation, NLCD IS, slope, aspect, and TCC
22 April 2013 morning includes lag-1 0.1468.92Basis, elevation, NLCD IS, TCC, slope, aspect, and lag-1
22 April 2013, afternoon0.0382.36Elevation, basis, NLCD IS, aspect, TCC, and slope
23 April 2013 morning0.0960.50Basis, elevation, NLCD IS, slope, aspect, and TCC
23 April 2013 morning includes lag-1 0.0671.59Elevation, basis, lag-1, NLCD IS, slope, aspect, and TCC
23 April 2013 afternoon0.0665.82Basis, elevation, NLCD IS, aspect, slope, and TCC
2 July 20140.0984.53Basis, elevation, NLCD IS, slope, aspect, and TCC
2 July 2014 includes lag-1 0.0590.77Basis, lag-1, elevation, NLCD IS, slope, TCC, and aspect
3 July 20140.1472.12Basis, elevation, slope, NLCD IS, aspect, and TCC
3 July 2014 includes lag-1 0.1078.96Basis, elevation, lag-1, aspect, NLCD IS, slope, and TCC
4 July 20140.0478.89Basis, NLCD IS, slope, elevation, TCC, and aspect
4 July 2014 includes lag-1 0.0385.92lag-1, basis, elevation, NLCD IS, slope, aspect, and TCC
26 October 2013, 01:00–02:000.0376.08Elevation, basis, slope, aspect, TCC, and NLCD IS
26 October 2013, 02:00–03:000.0588.45Basis, elevation, aspect, slope, NLCD IS, and TCC
26 October 2013, 03:00–04:000.0373.25Elevation, basis, NLCD IS, slope, TCC, and aspect
26 October 2013, 04:00–05:000.0487.58Basis, elevation, slope, aspect, NLCD IS, and TCC
25 November 2013, early morning0.0487.16Basis, elevation, slope, NLCD IS, TCC, and aspect
25 November 2013, noon0.0380.64Basis, elevation, NLCD IS, slope, aspect, and TCC
25 November 2013, midafternoon0.0488.7Basis, elevation, aspect, NLCD IS, TCC, and slope