Research Article

Numerical Simulation of Surface Energy and Water Balances over a Semiarid Grassland Ecosystem in the West African Savanna

Table 1

Summary of measurement heights of selected data used for SOLVEG simulations.

VariableDevice/manufacturerMeasurement height [m]

Atmospheric CO2 and H2OLicor 7500A open path infrared gas analyser, LI-COR Biosciences, USA2.65
Wind speed in 3-dimensional field (, , and ) and air temperatureCSAT3 ultrasonic anemometer, Campbell Scientific, USA2.65
Incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiationsCNR4 net radiometer (pair of pyranometer and pyrgeometer), Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands2.00
Soil moisture contentCS616, water content reflectometer, Campbell Scientific, USA0.03
Soil heat fluxHFP01SC, self-calibrating heat flux plate, Hukseflux, Netherlands0.08
Soil temperatureTCAV averaging soil thermocouple probe, Campbell Scientific, USA0.03