Research Article

A Step towards Integrating CMORPH Precipitation Estimation with Rain Gauge Measurements

Figure 9

Time evolution of daily areal mean precipitation (thick line) and the respective standard deviation (light line) of Brazilian Watersheds and the whole Brazil between 2000 and 2015. Long-term monthly mean tendencies (dot line) are also indicated. (a) 1-Amazonas. (b) 2-Tocatins. (c) 3-São Francisco. (d) 4-Paranaiba. (e) 5-Grande. (f) 6-Paraná. (g) 7-Tietê. (h) 8-Paranapanema. (i) 9-Iguaçu. (j) 10-Uruguai. (k) 11-Jacuí. (l) Brazil.