Research Article

Patterns of Biomass and Carbon Allocation across Chronosequence of Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii) Forest in Pakistan: Inventory-Based Estimate

Table 2

Growing stock characteristics of Chir Pine forest.

Age groupMean DBH (cm)Mean height (m)Mean basal area (m2·ha−1)Mean stand density (trees ha−1)Mean stand volume (m3·ha−1)

Young17.4 ± 1.59.6 ± 1.815.5 ± 1.6B636.6 ± 93.7A>83.0 ± 12.9C
Mature41 ± 5.918.9 ± 4.235.5 ± 18.0A267 ± 115.7B356.0 ± 105.9B
Overmature63.8 ± 11.519.7 ± 5.745.9 ± 15.1A147.6 ± 56.7C549.4 ± 107.1A

Superscripts in each column show significant differences at α = 0.1 and .