In the article titled “A Case Study of Mass Transport during the East-West Oscillation of the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone” [1], there were errors in Section 4 and Section 6, in the legends of Figures 3, 4, and 7, in which the vertical velocities were stated to be 100 times the actual values, and in the description of Figures 7 and 8.

In Section 4, the text reading “In summary, upward motion was stronger along 30° N than along 20° N” should be corrected to “In summary, upward motion was stronger along 20° N than along 30° N.”

In Section 6, the text reading “But the upward motion was much stronger over 30° N than over 20° N and much weaker over IP” should be corrected to “But the upward motion was much stronger over 20° N than over 30° N and much weaker over IP.”

The legend of Figure 3 should be corrected as follows:

“Daily maps of MLS CO mixing ratio at 100  hPa (color shading) on (a) Aug 3, (b) Aug 5, (c) Aug 7, (d) Aug 9, (e) Aug 10, and (f) Aug 14, 2016. The thick gray lines are the 600  hPa contour of surface pressure, indicating the location of the Tibetan Plateau (TP). The regions inside of the white contours represent areas with upward transport (vertical velocity less than −0.01 Pa/s) at 100  hPa. The five-pointed star indicates the maximum of CO mixing ratio in the Asian summer monsoon region.

The legend of Figure 4 should be corrected as follows:

“The same as Figure 3, but for MLS CO at 215  hPa and vertical velocity at 200  hPa. The vertical velocity contours are −0.05 Pa/s.”

The legend of Figure 7 should be corrected as follows:

“A pressure-longitude cross section of vertical velocity along 20° N on (a) Aug 3, (b) Aug 5, (c) Aug 7, (d) Aug 9, (e) Aug 10, and (f) Aug 14, 2016. Gray shading regions indicate upward. Regions within black contours are strong upward motion regions (contour level is −0.1 Pa/s).”

Additionally, the description of Figures 7(a)–7(f) where the text reading “Vertical velocity (m/s)” should be corrected to “Vertical velocity (Pa/s).”

The description of Figures 8(a)–8(f) where the text reading “Vertical velocity (m/s)” should be corrected to “Vertical velocity (Pa/s).”