Research Article

Satellite-Based Assessment of Various Cloud Microphysics Schemes in Simulating Typhoon Hydrometeors

Figure 7

The OF field and the three components of error in the five simulated fields for the EI index. (a)∼(e) The spatial distribution of the emission index (EI) field: (a) WSM6, (b) GSFC, (c) THOM, (d) MORR, and (e) NSSL; the overlaid OF field (arrows) mapping the simulated to (k) the observed EI field. The spatial distribution of intensity error (f) WSM6, (g) GSFC, (h) THOM, (i) MORR, and (j) NSSL and histogram of the three components of the simulation error of (l) intensity error (InteE), (m) displacement error (DispE), and (n) angular error. See text for details.