Research Article

Seasonal and Regional Differences in Extreme Rainfall Events and Their Contribution to the World’s Precipitation: GPM Observations

Table 1

Past studies considered to investigate the extreme rainfall events using the TRMM satellite.

ReferenceDefinition of extreme events

Zipser et al. [23]Maximum height of 40 dBZ; minimum brightness temperature at 37 and 85 GHz; higher lightning flash rate
Houze et al. [24]
Romatschke and Houze [32]
Romatschke et al. [32]
Rasmussen and Houze [36]
Deep intense convective echoes (40 dBZ echo reaching heights>10 km)
Wide intense convective echoes (40 dBZ echo > 1000 km2 in horizontal dimension)
Hirose et al. [34]Small (<100 km2) and large (>10000 km2) precipitation systems
Hamada et al. [35]Rain rate (mm h−1) higher than the 99.99 percentile in each 2.5° × 2.5° grid box over the tropical areas
Bhat and Kumar [26]
Kumar and Bhat [27]
Radar reflectivity > 20 dBZ at 12 km and top 5% radar reflectivity at 3 and 8 km
Kumar [28, 29]Radar reflectivity > 40 dBZ at 3 km
Hamada et al. [4]Rain rate (mm h−1) higher than the 99.99 percentile in each 2.5° × 2.5° grid box over the tropical areas
Liu and Zipser [34]Divided the PFs into top 10%, 1%, 0.1%, and 0.01% group based on the area and maximum height of PFs