Research Article

Drought Early Warning and the Timing of Range Managers’ Drought Response

Table 4

Factors affecting drought impacts.

Loss of pasture hay yieldLoss of range productivityLoss of range health or diversityLoss of livestock gain or productivityLoss of net incomeLoss of cash reserves or savings

SPEI−55.46 (188)−32.96 (171)−43.96 (111)−13.24 (112)−9.32 (175)3.49 (119)
Timing of purchasing supplemental feed1.31 (104)1.74 (91)1.03 (60)−2.11 (60)−0.70 (87)−5.10 (59)
Timing of early grazing fall/winter pastures3.21 (103)0.87 (97)1.87 (63)−0.33 (63)0.18 (91)−2.80 (58)
Timing of destocking1.56 (88)3.49 (85)4.78 (60)−0.78 (58)−0.03 (77)−0.49 (51)
Timing of culling breeding herd0.26 (71)0.98 (60)−0.58 (44)−2.22 (45)−1.28 (59)0.73 (43)

Reporting coefficients, significance of test that coefficient is different from 0, and (n). For SPEI, the coefficient is determined without other covariates. For other predictors, coefficients are determined when controlling for SPEI. Data sources: 2016 survey, SPEI ( ; .