Research Article

Assessment of WRF Land Surface Model Performance over West Africa

Figure 1

(a) Map showing the model domain with the elevation map of West Africa. The red box (5°N–15°N and 10°E–10°W) is the domain for area average of the parameters while the green box is the evaluation area for the spatial plots; (b) land use category map of the study area (2. evergreen broadleaf forest; 3. deciduous needleleaf forest; 4. deciduous broadleaf forest; 5. mixed forests; 6. closed shrublands; 7. open shrublands; 8. woody savannas; 9. savannas; 10. grasslands; 11. permanent wetlands; 12. croplands; 13. urban and built-up; 14. cropland/natural vegetation mosaic; 15. snow and ice; 16. barren or sparsely vegetated; 17. water); (c) soil type category map of the study area (2. loamy sand; 3. sandy loam; 4. silt loam; 5. silt; 6. loam; 7. sandy clay loam; 8. silty clay loam; 9. clay loam; 10. sandy clay; 11. silty clay; 12. clay 13. organic material; 14. Water; 15. bedrock).