Research Article

Study on a Large-Scale Persistent Strong Dense Fog Event in Central and Eastern China

Table 2

Inversion characteristics of the boundary layer in the fog event of Xingtai Sounding Station.

DateInversion bottom (m)/Tb (°C)Inversion top (m)/Tt (°C)Inversion thickness (m)Inversion intensity (°C/100 m)Height of fog top (m)Visibility (m)

20161231 08:000/−3.8617/6.16171.61252
20161231 20:0018/−2.3349/83313.116220
20170101 08:00208/−4.7827/7.26191.933861
20170101 20:00187/−3.0634/8.04472.5282119
20170102 08:000/−5.8399/6.83993.28264
20170102 20:000/2.9953/7.19530.42053
20170103 08:0053/−5.3291/11.72387.116451
20170103 20:0040/−2.2242/10.32026.29734
20170104 08:00208/−4.5574/6.83663.1327138
20170104 20:00221/−2.6678/3.04571.2297412