Advances in Meteorology

Hydrometeorological Hazards: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Responses


Lead Editor

1University of Maryland, College Park, USA

2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, USA

3Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA

5VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hydrometeorological Hazards: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Responses


Hydrometeorological hazards are caused by extreme meteorological and climate events, such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, or mudslides. They account for a dominant fraction of natural hazards and occur in all portions of the world, although the frequency, intensity, and vulnerability of certain hazards in some regions differ from those in others. Severe storms, strong winds, floods, and droughts develop at different spatial-temporal scales, but all can become disasters to cause fatalities and infrastructure damage and claim thousands of lives annually worldwide. Multiple hazards often concur in one extreme weather event. In addition to causing injuries, deaths, and material damage, a tropical storm can also result in flooding and mudslides, which disrupt water purification and sewage disposal systems, cause overflow of toxic wastes, and increase propagation of mosquito-borne diseases. The increase in the frequency of extreme events due to acceleration of the global water cycle induces more risks to human settlements, especially those on floodplains and areas susceptible to landslides, in an era of rapid population growth.

Monitoring and forecasting of the occurrence, intensity, and evolution of hydrometeorological extreme events have been critical for many humanitarian and government agencies in their efforts to prepare, mitigate, and manage responses to disaster to save lives and limit damage. Remote sensing and modeling are two powerful technologies for providing timely information of hazardous events. Both research areas advance rapidly to provide better understanding of causation and geophysical process of these natural hazards, while each has its own strengths and weaknesses. In addition to monitoring and short-range forecasting for rapid responses, long-range projections of future changes in extremes and hazards allow for assessing risks and therefore provide a venue to plan for adaptation and mitigation strategies. Ideally physical and social scientists would work together to find means to integrate modeling and remote sensing approaches that are complementary to each other for providing accurate forecasts, issuing timely warnings, monitoring on-going hazards, reducing vulnerabilities, and building resilience for future.

We solicit high quality, original research contributions from physical, socioeconomic sciences, hazard response, and preparedness fields that study hydrometeorological hazards across spatial scales.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Remote sensing and physical or statistical modeling of hydrometeorological hazards in urban and rural environments
  • Coupled and hyperresolution hydrometeorological modeling
  • Data assimilation of remote sensing and in situ observations for improved modeling and land surface datasets
  • Ensembles and probabilistic hydrometeorological forecasting
  • New method of integration of remote sensing and modeling hazard information with case studies
  • Characterization and communication of uncertainty of retrospective and operational modeled and remotely sensed results
  • Interdisciplinary and integrated model and application results from areas of hydrology, meteorology, ecology, and socioeconomics
  • Hydrometeorological hazard emergency management and quantitative damage evaluation
  • Vulnerability, resilience, and risk assessment and management
  • Assessment of socioeconomic impacts of/on hydrometeorological hazards


  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 2367939
  • - Editorial

Hydrometeorological Hazards: Monitoring, Forecasting, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Responses

Huan Wu | Maoyi Huang | ... | Philip Ward
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  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 4572498
  • - Research Article

Development and Application of Urban Landslide Vulnerability Assessment Methodology Reflecting Social and Economic Variables

Yoonkyung Park | Ananta Man Singh Pradhan | ... | Sangdan Kim
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  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 6583906
  • - Research Article

A Three-Parameter S-Shaped Function of Flood Return Period and Damage

Chaochao Li | Xiaotao Cheng | ... | Song Han
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 6408319
  • - Research Article

A Method to Assess Localized Impact of Better Floodplain Topography on Flood Risk Prediction

Guy J.-P. Schumann | Konstantinos M. Andreadis
  • Special Issue
  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 7159132
  • - Research Article

A Multimethod Approach towards Assessing Urban Flood Patterns and Its Associated Vulnerabilities in Singapore

Winston T. L. Chow | Brendan D. Cheong | Beatrice H. Ho
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  • - Volume 2016
  • - Article ID 9437401
  • - Research Article

Accuracy Improvement of Discharge Measurement with Modification of Distance Made Good Heading

Jongkook Lee | Hongjoon Shin | ... | Changsam Jeong
Advances in Meteorology
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate14%
Submission to final decision121 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.490
Impact Factor2.9
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