Research Article

Dual Approximate Solutions of the Unsteady Viscous Flow over a Shrinking Cylinder with Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method

Table 4

Comparison between the second expression of the first-order approximate solutions given by (50) obtained by OHAM and numerical results for and (error = ).

(50) Error

1 1. 1. 0.
9/5 0.3025681133 0.3025729017
13/5 −0.1319503386 −0.1319549886
21/5 −0.4960887571 −0.4961000384
29/5 −0.5909291088 −0.5909208156
37/5 −0.6138226907 −0.6138228346
41/5 −0.6174089320 −0.6174180498
9 −0.6191261345 −0.6191351201
−0.6206780156 −0.6206780156