Research Article

Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Programming

Table 6

Architecture selected for model 2 (GP model).


Initial population sizeDataset 1: 49 (without fly ash)
Dataset 2: 27 (with fly ash)
Dataset is of two types. One is without any substitution of cement by fly ash and the second one is with 0.15 of the cement replaced by fly ash. Dataset 1 is of 49 tuples in total. Dataset 2 is of 27 tuples in total

Number of input parameters04 (cement (C), water (W), fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (CA)). 05 (cement (C), water (W), fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (CA), 28-day compressive strength (CS28)), 06 (cement (C), water (W), fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (CA), 28-day compressive strength (CS28), 56-day compressive strength (CS56)). Fly ash (FA) is used with dataset 2 only; all other parameters are the same as dataset 1When output is 28 days, then the number of input parameters is 04; when output is 56 days, the number of input parameters is 05 as 28-day compressive strength is taken as input; when output is 91 days, the number of input parameters is 06 as 28-day compressive strength and 56-day compressive strength are also taken as input. In dataset 2, FA is replacing 15% of the cement

Function set+, −, , /, sqrtSet of functions used

Training percentage75

Selection methodTournament

Tournament size of replacement3

Maximum generations100000Maximum number of iterations

Crossover 0.7Probability of crossover

Mutation Probability of mutation

Mu100Population size

Lamda150Number of children produced

ObjectivesCOD, RMSECoefficient of determination, root mean square error