Research Article

The Combined Effect of the Initial Cure and the Type of Cement on the Natural Carbonation, the Portlandite Content, and Nonevaporable Water in Blended Cement

Table 1

Composition of the different mixtures [33].

MixturesClinker [%]Gypsum [%]Slag [%]Pozzolana [%]Additions secondary [%]Design mixturesNF EN197-1

CP950000Control cementCEMI52.5
7Binary cementCEMII42.5
CL306553000Binary cementCEMII/B-S32.5
CZ306550300Binary cementCEMII/B-P32.5

Blended cement (cement based added) = addition/clinker (%).
CP: artificial Portland cement = 0/clinker = 0/100.
CR: sulphate resistant cement (secondary addition) AS/clinker = 07/93.
CL30: cement with slag addition = L/clinker = 30/70.
CZ30: cement with pozzolana addition = PZ/clinker = 30/70.