Research Article

Asphalt Concrete Overlay Optimization Based on Pavement Performance Models

Table 4

Radial strains prior to and after overlay.


ACM layer thickness increase (mm)
AC 11-overlay E (MPa)1089110891108910895445544554455445
AC 11 O E (MPa)59455682555154455354530452485205
AC 16 P E (MPa)45404339423941584088405140083975
Strain prior to rehabilitation (Mpa)0,7518380,6644560,6205440,5849840,486150,44650,420120,40146
Strain after rehabilitation (Mpa)0,5085710,4640040,4299070,401460,4773120,4285280,4041450,382118

this theoretical calculation, the overlay thickness is computed exactly to return the pavement to its original bearing capacity; in the field, for practical reasons, the thickness would be rounded up to a whole number.