Research Article

Experimental Assessment on the Hysteretic Behavior of a Full-Scale Traditional Chinese Timber Structure Using a Synchronous Loading Technique

Table 3

The basic parameters of the three-phase linear model.

N (kN)Elastic phaseYield pointElastic-plastic rise phasePlateau phase
Δe (mm)Fe (kN)Δy (mm)Fy (kN)θy (rad)Δp (mm)Fp (kN)Δmax (mm)Fmax (kN)θmax (rad)

30 (1st load)11.6743.93017.3304.1941/19368.8715.488118.9625.8331/28
60 (2nd load)11.9464.90719.5595.4641/17183.3967.668141.7698.0331/24
90 (3rd load)11.4035.69619.9866.7881/16787.0619.512156.2489.9831/21

Note. Δe and Fe = max displacement and max force in the elastic phase, respectively; Fy, Δy, and θy = force, displacement, and incidence at the yield point, respectively; Δp and Fp = max displacement and max force in the elastic-plastic rise phase, respectively; Fmax, Δmax, and θmax = ultimate horizontal load, max horizontal displacement, and max incidence, respectively.