Research Article

Evaluation of Selected Physicomechanical Properties of SFRC according to Different Standards

Table 5

Assessment of the tensile strength in bending according to the Austrian standard (ÖVB) [20], Performance classes of SFRC [6], and TP FC 1-1 [10] in MPa.

ConcretemixturesÖVBBPerformance classesof SFRCTP FC 1-1

ReferentialC 16/
C 20/
C 25/304.24.74.4
C 30/375.04.85. 0
20 kgC 16/
C 20/
C 25/304.65.14.8
C 30/374.94.85.0
25 kgC 16/
C 20/
C 25/304.34.24.5
C 30/375.15.55.4
30 kgC 16/
C 20/
C 25/303.83.93.8
C 30/375.75.65.8