Review Article

Carbon Nanostructure-based Sensors: A Brief Review on Recent Advances

Table 4

Comparison between a strain sensor system described in this review and a different system found in the literature.

Sensor compound or deviceSensitivity/linear range/LODGreat response forOther reported systemsResponses from other systems

CNT/PDMS (solution mixing) [123]Gauge factor: 8 to 47 (ε 30% to 110%)StrainSWCNT/porous PDMS (micropatterning) [125]Gauge factor: 24 to 134 (ε < 40% to ε < 160%)
CNT-CB/PDMS (solution mixing) [126];0.91 to 13.1 (ε < 100% and 250% < ε <300%)

ε = strain range.