Review Article

A Review on Machine Learning Models in Injection Molding Machines

Table 5

Unsupervised Learning Cases in Injection Molding.

Algorithm usedAI model taxonomyDepth layer sizes, training time, and testing timeDatasetFramework, core language, and interfaceAdvantagesDisadvantagesRef.

Xception and Inception V3, d Resnet-50Unsupervised71 layers deep. Twenty % testing and eighty % training data.ImageNet datasetTensorFlow
Python language
Imaging models may be helpful to come across faults in injection molding, along with weaving, which is tough to become aware of with the naked eyes. Model testing performs the best at detecting short forming, with good precision, recall, and high F1 score.It is required to make a dedicated neural network to bring images and the sensor data that could carry required information on the internal faults.[73]
SMOTE algorithm is chosen as the training algorithmSupervisedThe cycle time is 21.84 seconds, and inject time is 1.35 secondsThe dataset is imbalanced and stored in a NoSQL database, and preprocessing is done using significant data methodsAn extensive data framework is used, and machine classification and prediction models are usedThe faults are estimated before occurrence and also provide an expert interpretation that can give insight into the main problem of the mistakesQuality rates are very excessive for most types of synthetic parts.
Much data are required before the overall performance of the model can become handy.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and decision treeUnsupervisedHas three layers (hidden layer, input layer, and output layer), where twenty two neurons were on a hidden layerData include forty-one machines and process parameters from one hundred and sixty machine runs based on difference about holding of pressure time, holding off pressure, back pressure, injection speed, cooling time, barrel temperature, screw speed, and temperature of the tool parameterPython Language and classification modelThe model can differentiate good or bad parts with 99.375% accuracyNo chance to categorize the type of defect that occurs[44]
Cluster analysisUnsupervised learningNADatasets related to the molds are used in the productionNAFinds the molds wearing out and predicts in real-time which has an excellent early warning systemComplete data are not fed into models[72]
Control algorithmUnsupervised algorithmNAPVT (pressure, specific volume, and temperature) data are usedPlotter for plotting the curve and graphConsistent quality of the molded part is maintainedMany training data are required to be acquired[75]
AI models are usedSupervised learningCycle time is 37 seconds, and inject time is 3 secondsData are generated from many injection molding cycles by using temp sensors and pressure caused by the cavity.Python languageImplements the control system for good quality for product generated by the injection molding through real-time monitoring.The whole artificial intelligence-based control system is not ready[76]