Research Article

Thalassemic DNA-Containing Red Blood Cells Are under Oxidative Stress

Figure 1

Flow cytometry analysis of ROS and PS in blood cells. Blood cells from a splenectomized β-thalassemic patient were simultaneously stained with an anti-CD71 antibody and propidium iodide (PI), and either DCF for measurement of ROS or annexin-V for measurement of external PS. (a) A CD71 versus PI dot-plot identifying cells as RBCs (CD71-PI-), HJ-RBCs (CD71-PI+), WBCs (CD71-PI++), retics (CD71+PI-), HJ-retics (CD71+PI+), and normoblasts (CD71+PI++). ((b)-(c)) Fluorescence distribution histograms of each cell population with respect to ROS (b) and PS (c). The results expressed as the mean fluorescence index (MFI) are presented for each cell population.