Research Article

Integration between Transport Models and Cost-Benefit Analysis to Support Decision-Making Practices: Two Applications in Northern Italy

Table 1

Policy actions in a mobility plan and type of effect.

Action/policyCostsBenefitsInvestment costs are dominant versus other costs?

New infrastructure (public transport, roads capacity)PU, Tpr, C, tYes
New/modified services on existing infrastructurePU, tpr, d, tNo
Innovative mobility (sharing, pooling, etc.)ā€‰pr, d, tNo
Bicycle lanes, bike parking, bike sharingPU, Tpr, d, tYes/No
ITS, traffic managementPU, tpr, d, tNo
Restrictive policies, car-free zones, traffic calmingpr, d, td, tNo
Park and road pricingpr, d, tPU, pr, d, tNo
Public transport faresPU/pr, d, tPr/PU, d, tNo

PU: public bodies; pr: private users; C: concentrated in space or limited to groups; d: diffused in space or spread among many users; T: punctual in time, lump sum; t: continuous in time.