Review Article

Multiobjective Simulated Annealing: Principles and Algorithm Variants

Algorithm 1

PSA procedure.

Input: A cooling schedule ; a starting temperature ; a starting sample of generated solutions ;
  and an initial memory
Output: The archive representing an approximation of the Pareto solutions set
 1: repeat
 2:  for each do
 3:   repeat
 4:    Construct a neighbouring solution
 5:    if is not dominated by then
 6:     Update with
 7:     Select (if exists) the closest solution to
 8:     Update weights of objectives in accordance with and partial dominance
 9:    else
 10:     Accept with certain probability
 11:    end if
 12:   until Equilibrium condition
 13:  end for
 14:  Decrease temperature
 15: until Cooling condition
 16: return