Review Article

Multiobjective Simulated Annealing: Principles and Algorithm Variants

Table 1

Summary of classical cooling schemes.

Denotation General functional form Iterative formula Authors

LinearStrenski and Kirkpatrick [9]
GeometricKirkpatrick et al. [1]
LogarithmicGeman and Geman [10]
HybridSekihara et al. [11]
ExponentialLundy and Mees [12]
AdaptiveIngber [13]

The table notations are summarised as follows:
is the initial temperature value.
is the temperature value for the th iteration.
and are two constants such that and .
is a function depending on the candidate solution that takes a value less than 1 if improves the objective function in comparison to the best solution found so far and greater than 1 otherwise.