Clinical Study

Retrospective Analysis of Arthroscopic Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior Repair: Prognostic Factors Associated with Failure

Table 1

Prognostic factors asked on post-operative questionnaire.

FactorPossible Responses

Tobacco historyYes or no
Preoperative painYes or no
Anti-inflammatory useYes or no
Narcotic useYes or no
ExtremityRight or left
Dominant extremityYes or no
TraumaYes or no
Mechanism or injurySports, motor vehicle accident, fall, traction, insidious
Level of sports participationProfessional, collegiate, high school, recreational, none
ThrowerYes or no
Overhead athleteYes or no
Collision sportYes or no
Level of workVery heavy, heavy, medium, light, sedentary
Worker’s compensationYes or no
History of dislocationYes or no
History of subluxationYes or no
Pre-operative O’Brien's test Positive, negative, equivocal
Pre-operative biceps load II testPositive or negative
Pre-operative Compression-rotationPositive or negative
Pre-operative Kibler testPositive or negative
Pre-operative bicipital groove tenderness Yes or no
Pre-operative Speed’s testPositive or negative
Pre-operative Yergason’s testPositive or negative
Pre-operative apprehension testPositive or negative
Pre-operative relocation testPositive or negative