Clinical Study

Flexible Stabilisation of the Degenerative Lumbar Spine Using PEEK Rods

Table 2

Degenerative status of adjacent discs (above and below) at the final evaluation and compared to the initial status.

CharacteristicsLower level
Upper level

Degeneration on last evaluation
 None14 (73.7)15 (79.0)
 Minimal3 (15.8)3 (15.8)
 Moderate1 (5.3)0
 Severe1 (5.3)1 (5.3)
 Absent initially and from last evaluation 12 (70.6)13 (68.4)
 Present initially and in last evaluation 5 (29.4)2 (10.5)
 Absent initially and present in last evaluation02 (10.5)
 Present initially and absent from last evaluation02 (10.5)