Review Article

The Clinical History and Basic Science Origins of Transcutaneous Osseointegration for Amputees

Figure 3

Brånemark-style dental osseointegration. Schematic shows a titanium implant with a screw fixation design. There are three components of this style of implant: 1, a titanium post that achieves osseointegration with the jaw; 2, abutment that screws into the post and remains smooth and motionless at the gingiva; and 3, the crown that is designed to match the patient’s tooth (figure adapted with permission from Adell R. Lekholm U. Rockler B. R., Brånemark P. I. A 15-year study of osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. International Journal of Oral Surgery. 1981 Jan 1; 10(6):387–416).