Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, and Preventive Practices towards Sexually Transmitted Infections among Preparatory School Students in West Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia

Table 3

Attitudes of preparatory school students towards STIs, West Gojjam zone, Northwest Ethiopia, 2018.

STIs attitude itemsScale
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

Adolescents are more vulnerable to STIs99 (12.0%)134 (16.1%)85 (10.3%)247 (29.8%)263 (31.8%)
STIs can cause social stigma and discrimination144 (17.4%)237 (28.6%)129 (15.6%)179 (21.6%)139 (16.8%)
Patients with STIs are easily identified in the community189 (22.8%)277 (33.5%)131 (15.8%)156 (18.8%)75 (9.1%)
There are both curable and noncurable STIs89 (10.7%)180 (21.7%)182 (22.0%)267 (32.3%)110 (13.3%)
Anybody can get condom simply when the need arises111 (13.4%)169 (20.4%)175 (21.1%)207 (25.1%)166 (20.0%)
Person infected with STIs can go to health institution for treatment30 (3.6%)65 (7.9%)106 (12.8%)327 (39.5%)300 (36.2%)
By treating an individual who has STIs, spread of the disease can be prevented232 (28.0%)214 (26.0%)110 (13.3%)197 (23.6%)76 (9.1%)
Being infected with one of STIs other than HIV can increase the risk of acquisition of HIV179 (21.6%)190 (23.0%)101 (12.0%)171 (20.6%)187 (22.8%)