Research Article

Impact of Community-Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene on Prevalence of Diarrheal Disease and Associated Factors among Under-Five Children: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in Selected Woredas of Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Table 6

Bivariate analysis of environmental factors related to diarrhea among under-five in selected CLTSH implemented and nonimplemented woredas in Gamo Gofa Zone, March 2018.

VariablesCharacteristicsDiarrhea statusCOR [95% CI] value
CLTSH, n (%)Non-CLTSH, n (%)

Latrine availabilityYes34 (56.7%)69 (60.0%)1.00
No26 (43.3%)46 (40.0%)2.62 [1.80, 3.82]0.001

Refuse disposalProper44 (73.3%)39 (33.9%)1.00
Improper16 (26.7%)76 (66.1%)5.53 [3.76, 8.12]0.001

HandwashingYes6 (17.6%)19 (27.5%)1.00
No28 (82.4%)50 (72.5%)3.05 [1.86, 5.01]0.001

Disposing infant fecesProper54 (90.0%)88 (76.5%)1.00
Improper6 (10.0%)27 (23.5%)1.21 [0.77, 1.91]0.4

Source of drinking waterImproved31 (51.7%)42 (36.5%)1.00
Unimproved29 (48.3%)73 (63.5%)6.46 [4.4, 9.48]0.001

Time taken to obtain drinking water<30 min46 (76.7%)96 (83.5%)1.00
≥30 min14 (23.3%)19 (16.5%)1.28 [0.81, 2.01]0.293

Per capita water consumption per day<25 litres39 (65%)102 (88.7%)1.00
≥25 litres21 (35%)13 (11.3%)0.72 [0.46, 1.10]0.126