Research Article

Assessment of Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity Potential of Effluents from Bahir Dar Tannery Using Allium cepa

Table 3

Average number of cells and dividing cells of A. cepa roots per slide in three replicated slides for each concentration and cytological effect of tannery effluent on A. cepa cells.

Treatment concentrations (%)Total number of cellsDividing cellsMitotic index (%)Mitotic inhibition (%)

Control group6625.66 ± 257.9613 ± 3.469.550
206480.33 ± 90.17555 ± 27.618.649.53
406413.66 ± 69.57477.33 ± 18.487.4322.18
606433.33 ± 122.38337.66 ± 6.695.2345.23
806441.33 ± 251.59247 ± 19.353.8559.68
1006129.66 ± 136.46165.33 ± 25.402.5773.09

Note: mitotic index had a significantly negative relationship with tannery effluent concentration percentage at P = 0.00005988 and r2 = 0.9873 checked with simple linear regression analysis; increase of tannery concentrations (P < 0.05).