Review Article

Human Rabies in the WHO Southeast Asia Region: Forward Steps for Elimination

Table 3

Cost comparison of human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) versus equine rabies immunoglobulin (ERIG) for postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) in southeast Asia over a five-year period.


Estimated number of patients taking PEP (millions)44
No. of dog bite cases requiring RIG application (millions)11
Quantity of RIG required per patient (millilitres)55
Quantity of RIG required per year (millions of mLs)55
Cost of human RIG per mL (million US$)603
Cost of human RIG for year (million US$)30015
Cost of transportation, storage etc. (million US$)21.25

Total cost of RIG for five years (million US$)151081.25

(RIG costs calculated at current market rates. Transportation and storage costs were estimated at 25% of RIG volume).