Research Article

Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Cervical Cancer Screening Rates in US Health Centers through Patient-Centered Medical Home Transformation

Table 2

Barriers to cervical cancer screening and solutions to increase screening rates.

Patient barriersProvider barriersSystem barriers

Demographic ()Lack of HIT training (6) Not using full capability of EMR (20)
 Financial issues/uninsured (18)Noncompliance with established protocols/guidelines (4)Coordination with external labs or providers (13)
 Transportation barriers (7) Preventive care not embedded into practice (2)Inadequate staff hours or employees: 
 For patient education (3) 
 For coordination (8)
 Transient patient population (5)General lack of education/training (2)Limited clinical hours (3)
 Lack of childcare (3)No policy/procedure to document all practices (2)
 High patient turnover rate (1)Lack of supplies/equipment for procedures (2)
 Other/general (13)EMR not yet implemented (1)
Cultural factors ()Lack accurate patient contact information (1)
 Fear of procedure or results (9) Health professional shortage area (1)
 Language barrier (5)No patient surveys (1)
 Trust issues (4)Primary care providers do not provide cervical cancer screening (1)
 Discomfort with male providers (3) No OB/GYN specialist at HC (1)
 Immigration status (2)
Health beliefs/behaviors ()
 Lack of awareness/knowledge of cervical cancer screening need (10)
 Not seeking preventive care (8)
 Do not keep appointments (7)
 Lack knowledge of available cervices (2)
 Late for appointments (1)


Outreach, education, or health promotion for patient population, 59 (74%)Education/training for providers, 44 (55%)Utilize HIT/EMR, 63 (79%)
Improve/increase communication with patients, 53 (66%)Feedback to providers 
 Team performance, 7 (9%) 
 Individual performance, 3 (4%)
Staffing: hire new employee or increase hours, 
46 (58%)
Facilitate access to care, 29 (36%)Regular quality improvement process, 39 (49%)
Implement protocol to better manage care, 32 (40%)
Improve recording keeping, 24 (30%)
Improve coordination with external providers, labs, 21 (25%)