Research Article

Self-Collected Specimens Revealed a Higher Vaccine- and Non-Vaccine-Type Human Papillomavirus Prevalences in a Cross-Sectional Study in Akuse

Table 4

HPV prevalences, proportions, and the extent of agreements between self and provider-collected specimens.

HPV typeSelf-collectionProvider-collectionChi-square (≤p-value )Cohen’s Kappa, (p-value)
Prevalence (95% CI)Prevalence (95% CI)

Overall HPVs43.1 (38.0–51.0)23.3 (19.0–31.0)0.0010.321 (0.0001)
High-risk HPVs27.2 (23.0–34.0)16.6 (14.0–24.0)0.0010.402 (0.0001)
Low-risk HPVs23.3 (19.0–30.0)9.9 (6.0–14.0)0.0010.328 (0.0001)

Probable high-risk HPVs4.7 (2.0–8.0)0.4 (0.0–1.0)0.0010.147 (0.0001)
BVT HPV’s5.9 (3.0–9.0)0.9 (0.14–2.84)0.001
QVT HPVs12.7 (8.95–17.3)6.5 (3.54–10.3)0.001
NVT HPVs27.5 (22.1–33.3)14.3 (10.3–19.3)0.001

Infection categoriesn, (Proportion)an, (Proportion)b
Single infectionc62 (56.9%)43 (72.9%)0.001
Multiple infectionsc49 (43.1%)16 (27.1%)0.001
Multiple infections involving BVT HPVs onlyc1 (0.92%)0 (0.0%)
Multiple infections involving QVT HPVs onlyc1 (0.92%)0 (0.0%)
Multiple infections involving NVT HPVs onlyc4 (3.67%)f0 (0.0%)g
Multiple infections involving any BVT and nonBVT HR HPVsc7 (6.427%)0 (0.0%)
Multiple infections involving any QVT and nonQVT HR HPVsc10 (9.17%) d1 (1.69%)e0.001
Multiple infections involving any QVT and nonQVT LR HPVsc8 (7.34%)1 (1.969%)0.001
Multiple infections involving any NVT and nonNVT HR HPVsc12 (11.00%)3 (5.08%)0.001
Multiple infections involving any NVT and nonNVT LR HPV(s)c16 (14.68%)4 (6.77%)0.001

BVT = Bivalent vaccine-type, QVT = quadrivalent vaccine-type, NVT = nonavalent vaccine-type. Prevalence was determined with 244 SC specimens and 230 PC specimens. Chi-square and Kappa analysis were performed with only the 266 pairs of SC and PC specimens. c Single and multiple infections were reported as proportions a of the 109 HPV positive with SC specimens; b of the 59 HPV positive with PC specimens. d The other high-risk HPVs were HPV59, HPV45, HPV35, HPV51, HPV58; e the other high-risk HPV were HPV59; f the other high-risk HPVs were HPV59, HPV35, HPV51, HPV39; g the other high-risk HPVs were HPV51.